Kamis, 07 November 2013

Advanced Computer Technology Future

              The passing of an era development of computer technology that exists today , is rather difficult to imagine how future computers . With the technology available today we seemed to have been able to hold the world . In terms of technology some computer scientists believe the time to create what is called a biochip is made ​​of protein sitetis . Robots are now being made with this material will become a human clone . While the technology is in the research stage now that mikrooptik and input - output audio that may be used by the computer to come. The experts in computer science right now is trying to design a computer that does not require writing and programming by the user . Computer without the program ( programless computer ) may form the main features of the computer generation to come .

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Teknologi yang Canggih

            Kita menjalani kehidupan ini pasti tak lepas dengan penggunaan teknologi. Teknologi merupakan jembatan segala aspek ilmu pengetahuan maupun kehidupan.
Kita dapat melihat di lingkungan sekitar bahwa sudah banyak teknologi yang berkembang pesat. Namun, ada dua hal yang ingin saya bahas di sini: sisi positif dari penggunaan teknologi dan sisi negatif dari penggunaan teknologi.
Di antara hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan maupun ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi sangatlah memiliki peran yang luar biasa. Teknologi kini seakan sudah menjadi bagian dari hidup kita sendiri dimana tanpa menggunakannya hidup ini terasa hampa. 
Sisi positif penggunaan teknologi itu sendiri memiliki fungsi dan manfaat untuk mempermudah kegiatan manusia. Kita dapat melihat di sekeliling kita bahwa teknologi telah menggantikan pekerjaan manusia, sehingga dengan adanya teknologi manusia tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak tenaga, waktu dan pikiran untuk melakukan suatu aktivitas. 
Sisi negatif dari penggunaan teknologi bermacam-macam wujudnya. Penggunaan teknologi dalam hal ini adalah penggunaan teknologi yang sangat berlebihan, sehingga menimbulkan dengan apa yang disebut kebodohan masyarakat. 
Dampak dari penggunaan teknologi yang berlebihan tersebut, yakni menjadi pemalas untuk melakukan aktivitas berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari serta bersifat konsumtif terhadap teknologi sehingga melupakan apa yang menjadi kewajibannya.

Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

History of computers has been started since time immemorial. Since time immemorial, the data processing has been done by humans. Humans also find mechanical appliances and electronics (mechanical and electronic) to assist people in accounting and data processing in order to obtain faster results. Computer that we encounter today is a long evolution of human inventions since time immemorial in the form of a mechanical device (mechanical) and electronics (electronic)
Today computers and supporting devices have been included in every aspect of life and work. Computer that exist now have a greater ability than ordinary mathematics calculations. Among them is a computer system capable of reading gauze supermarket shopping item code, which handles millions of central telephone calls and communications, computer networks and the Internet that connect different parts of the world.

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Maximize blackberry camera photo shots

It's not a lot to do with the camera powered handsets that only comes with 2MP and without flash. However, owners of Blackberry Gemini for you there are special tricks that can make shots more leverage.
The trick is to set the camera features an option that has been planted in the software Blackberry Gemini. To view the features of this camera, you have to unlock the features of the camera and press the menu button and select options. After that will come the options settings like White Balance, Picture Size, Picture Quality and Color Effects.
Here's an explanation and the function of each option, you can 'play' to produce the best photo:

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Mobile Need for Anti Virus

The explosive growth in the popularity of the Android mobile platform was not missed by cybercriminals. After analyzing a large amount of threat information technology (IT) in the first quarter of 2011, Kaspersky Lab's experts identified a total volume of mobile malware in 2011 amounted to at least double that of the year 2010.Growth will be driven by the emergence of new methods of infecting mobile users. For example, more than 50 applications Operation System (OS) Android hazardous quartal first detected in the year 2011 created by cybercriminals and distributed via the Android Market. Malicious programs is a repackaging version (re-packed) from the legal software with malicious Trojan components added to it. When someone installs an application, a virus will also been installed and the virus will automatically download the virus intact.

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Axio PICOpad 5, Small Tablet Multifunction

The screen size of a tablet that you meet a lot of time has been varied. Starting from a screen of 5 inches to 10 inches. Toshiba has launched several collections of tablets from 2011 to 2012.

PICOpad 5, Toshiba tablet with a 5-inch screen, available in two color variants, namely white and black, with a textured coating on the rear surface. Compared to previous tablets ever launched by Toshiba, PICOpad 5 is a tablet with the small screen size, which brings a lot of functionality in it.