Selasa, 06 November 2012

Know distinctive Hub, Switch, Bridge and Router

              To link computer in one network, we sometime hear Hub's terminology, Switch, Bridge and Router, afterwards what difference between equipment fourth that?. This writing I embrace of a variety source especially computer network college module that have once I get. Definition following and the difference Hub, Switch, Bridge and Router.


  • A peripheral that has a lot of port who will link severally node (computer) so forming a network on star's topology.
  • Severally hub at marketing sometime so-called with frequent hub switch terminology took for by us as switch, indeed hub is performanya slower than switch.

  • Ways of working:
          While one package gets in at one of port, that package will be copied to the other port at 
          hub. Or  in    other words hub just copies data to go to all node which most link goes to 
          hub. It causes unjuk  network job will slow.
  • Hub with specification 10 / 100Mbps shall share bandwidth with their port. So while just one PC that utilizes, will get maximum bandwith access one is of service. But, if many operating PC or at utilize on that network, therefore bandwidth will be divided to all PC, so will down network performance

  • In function links two numbers a sort LAN, so gets to have one LAN that much greater of LAN'S configuration rule without Bridge.
  • Bridge can link severally network is diqoined, well same network type and also different (as Ethernet and Fast Ethernet).
  • Bridge can link two LAN that the two utilize baseband's transmission method or broadbrand or LAN even with baseband and LAN with broadband or CSMA /'S access methods CD with token passing etcetera dependent on Bridge type that is utilized.
  • One of example it is Cisco Linksys WET54G Wireless g Ethernet Bridge as observable as on image under:

  •  Ways of working:
           Bridge maps Ethernet's address of each node or aught dot on their network segment   
           and just lets needful data lalulintas gets through bridge. While accept one package, 
           bridge determines aim and source segment. If its segment with, package will berefused, 
           and if its different segment, package were kept on to go to aim segments. Bridge thus 
           also prevent damage order in order not to scatter issue of one segment.
  • Bridge is conected with physical layer's coat and link layer's data, so will regard unjuk LAN'S job if often happens communication system those are on LAN that different one most link by Bridge.

  •     Switch is its form well-nigh equal to hub.
  •     Switch or more recognised with LAN Switch's terminology constitute extension of bridge concept.
  •     One of example it is Procurve V1810's HP 8G one constitutes 8 Gigabit Switch's Ports. 
  •  Ways of working:
           There is two base architectures those are utilized which is: cut through and store and 
  •  Switch cut trough has alongside speed excess because while one package come, switch just notice destination address before is kept on to its aim segment. Meanwhile Switch Store And Forward constitutes opposite from switch cut through. Switch this accepts and analysing all content packages before keep on it to the point and for meneriksa one package requires time, but it enables switch to know marks sense damage on packages and prevent it in order not to troubles network.
  • Switch with specification 10 / 100Mbps will allocate 10 / 100Mbps heaving full for each its port. So gets whatever amount computer that most link, user will ever be have bandwidth heaving full.

  • In function that data gets to location on appropriate network that is wanted. 
  • Router usually being utilized to link lokalke's network Internet.
  • One of example it is Mikrotik Router and Linksys WRT54GL what do in its configuration arrangement can function also as bridge or switch.
  • Ways of working:
          Router works by that kindred with switch and bridge. In contrast, router constitutes buffer 
          or filter is data traffic. Winnow is done by use of protocol one particular. Router basically 
          constitute network divider apparatus ala logical is not fisikal.
  • Router can choose the best one alternative road (best route for data transportation.), if really available many roads to reach to the effect or if incorrectly one track to clogged locations because thing somethings.
  • Router employs at physical's coat, link's data and network layer, so can't be utilized rampant.
  • Router generally at least most link is jaringan. second, two LAN or WAN goes to LAN and networks from ISP( service Provider's Internet). Severally DSL'S modem and cable is modem also have integrated router function into it so enabling severally computer forms network and direct most link go to Internet.
  • If hub, bridge and switch constitutes device's networking therefore router constitutes internetworking device.

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